About me...

I've always wanted to be a pop star.
I play about eight different instruments & have co-written about eight albums worth of music. For as long as I can remember, that's what I've wanted to do with my life. Music. I've sold nothing.
It's quite clear from my good looks that I've been destined for rock-stardom from an early age. I'm still waiting for that to happen. In the meantime, I have to make do with being a general handyman.
I'm proud to say that I've learned my skills from a master - My Dad.
He has been a property developer for most of his life & at 70something, he's still doing it now! That's how I learned how to bang nails into bits of wood etc.
I'm also good at carpentry, painting, digging holes & filling them up again! I'm an expert at fencing, although I've not engaged in combat for a few years.
I can turn my hand to most things practical (ask me) & what I do, I do well. I can't do botch jobs out of principal - I want to keep a good reputation.
I'm married with children. I love my wife & children but please don't use the other bloke, use me cos the kids drive me up the wall when I'm stuck at home, especially the middle one. She's a minx.
I play about eight different instruments & have co-written about eight albums worth of music. For as long as I can remember, that's what I've wanted to do with my life. Music. I've sold nothing.
It's quite clear from my good looks that I've been destined for rock-stardom from an early age. I'm still waiting for that to happen. In the meantime, I have to make do with being a general handyman.
I'm proud to say that I've learned my skills from a master - My Dad.
He has been a property developer for most of his life & at 70something, he's still doing it now! That's how I learned how to bang nails into bits of wood etc.
I'm also good at carpentry, painting, digging holes & filling them up again! I'm an expert at fencing, although I've not engaged in combat for a few years.
I can turn my hand to most things practical (ask me) & what I do, I do well. I can't do botch jobs out of principal - I want to keep a good reputation.
I'm married with children. I love my wife & children but please don't use the other bloke, use me cos the kids drive me up the wall when I'm stuck at home, especially the middle one. She's a minx.